Wednesday 12 March 2014


Lips give our face the ultimate appeal to our face. Healthy,nice looking and soft lips are every girl's dream, this goes a long way to reveal a lot about your health and lifestyle. Sometimes the lips gets so dry that we intend or try to moist it
 by  licking them, especially during the harmattan season for people living i West Africa. 
I was once a victim until i discovered an easy way to make my lips soft, nice and locked up in moisture without having to lick my lips continuously and the good thing about the method i used is that i found the ingredients for my recipes right in my kitchen.
Here's the  lip care regime that got me a natural,soft and nice lips.
  1. Regular use of vaseline or petroleum jelly,especially before bedtime at night.
  2. Massaging your lips by rubbing the lips together,not licking with your tongue.
  3. Exfolaiting  your lips; i do this once in a week by mixing a tea spoon of honey, drops of lemon juice, a teaspoon of coconut oil and sugar. Apply the mixture to my lips and scrub the lips with it. Leave on for at least ten minutes and wash off. It works wonder! (Actually this is my favorite recipe)
  4. Never lick your lips! Yes, don't be tempted to lick your licks, it will make your licks dry,dull and chapped. 
  5. Keep your lips hydrated by drinking water. Regular intake of water is so good for your lips,so increase the amount of water that goes into your body and take at least 6-8 glassees of water daily.
  6. Eat skin nourishing food. Veggies and fruits will do your lips no wrong, so opt for natural fruits and vegetables. 
These are the few methods i use and I am still on this journey. If your tried this steps or any other steps that worked for you, please share your tips with us.
A bientot!!  

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